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Supermite to Squirt Evaluation

Supermite aged players can tryout for squirts but use good judgement.  A limited amount of supermite players are leveled up to squirts each season. It is not recommended that they try it for the experience, being out of place in a tryout is not a “fun” thing for a young player. Players should only tryout for a level that is appropriate for their skills.

If you choose to have your player try out they should still register as a supermite. Once that is complete then register them for the supermite to squirt evaluation (link @ the bottom of the page).

Supermite to Squirt evaluations for 2024-2025 will take place on:

  • September 16th - 5:00pm - 6:00pm
  • September 17th - 5:00pm - 6:00pm

Your specific time and rink will be posted to the website one day prior.   An email will also be sent.

CHECK-IN: There is a $10 fee to skate the evaluation. We will have a table set-up in the lobby area where you will pay and then receive a helmet number and an evaluation jersey. We will collect the jerseys after the skate; otherwise please wear the same equipment you would if it were the regular season.


A parent will be allowed inside the locker room to help get their child into their equipment and out of their equipment. Parents can either stay in the locker room area or return to the lobby while the evaluation/skate is happening; watching the evaluation/skate is not allowed.

After registration is complete all players at the squirt level will be placed onto a squirt development group. The purpose of squirt development is to get the kids on the ice skating in preparation for tryouts and the season. This will consist of a few weeks of practices prior to the start of the season. This starts the first week of October. Families will be contacted via email by their development coach with the schedule. Due to ice scheduling considerations this won't happen until the week prior to the development practices starting. 

RYHA Tryout Coordinator Contact

RYHA Tryout Coordinator